The UCI guaranteed issue discounted disability plan terminates 11/1. This will be the last time you will be able to obtain individual disability coverage on a pre-approved and discounted basis. This is also the last chance for females to get a gender neutral rate. After the gender neutral rate ends, females will have approximately a 40% increase in premium. It is critical that you lock in your individual rate now as you begin your medical career. Statistics show that almost 35% of disability applications result in policy declinations, postponements, additional waivers and increased premiums. Don’t take a chance of this happening to you when you have a guaranteed alternative.
For non-exiting residents, we have negotiated a special “starter” policy with benefits that may be increased upon completion of training, with all of the same policy provisions and discounts that are available for exiting residents/fellows.
Act now and contact us to get started with the simplified application process.